Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nature Calls

I know everyone likes to see pictures but every time I take one, Martha posts it on her blog! The baskets, the flowers, the bird eggs, the rabbits! They're all mine. I just love nature. Sometimes nature calls so I took a picture of this:

Martha wouldn't post it for some reason. Just like her little game, can you guess what it is?


The Going Blog said...

I think it looks like the future play ground for one happy gerbal.

Bette said...

Looks like one of my boys - who shall remain nameless - like he did many, many years ago found a playground...bette

My Big Brown Opinion said...

I know what that is. It's the beginning of a very bad situation!

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like somebody needs to put a new roll of TP out :) Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Hey how come my comments don't appear on your blog , hum? Jeanne

David Going said...

I screen my viewers and their comments first before I allow them to be published. Since I get approximately 300-400 comments everyday, you can be proud that I have published all of yours so far! :)

Ronda said...

Danny says..."You might need to check your drawers....looking at that picture!"(LOL)

CHolden said...

How did I miss this? You are so funny! Would you consider a staff position at Four Under Four?