Friday, February 29, 2008

Presidential Candidates

This is my take on the candidates running for the Office of the President of the United States of America:

HILLARY CLINTON has a terrible image problem. No matter what she does, she still looks like herself! Not to mention how loud she is when she talks. Doesn't she remember her own husband and how he used the lazy-tired sounding voice to appear like an average American? It worked for him! Even when he got into serious trouble. Mrs. Clinton just needs to sit back and relax!

BARAK OBAMA is just an all around great American! He is the poster child of diversity! All the way from his roots in Kenya to the Islamic name he bears from his youth. Not to mention his black heritage! He also says he's a Christian! This is about as diverse at it gets! No one can figure out what he plans to do if he gets the big chair, but that doesn't stop people from liking the guy!

JOHN McCAIN has the tired-lazy voice down to an art! Or maybe that's because he's old! He has served his country in the military and/or other positions for more than 100 years. I think he should be allowed to die in the Oval Office if he wants to! Do you have to be President though to die in the Oval Office? Maybe he should speak to our current Vice President Cheney since they are similar in age. I think Cheney has died in his office a few times since he was elected?

MIKE HUCKABEE seems like a genuine guy! He says he wants to lower my taxes, preserve the sanctity of my life, protect my family from the perpetrators of 911, downsize government, and plenty of other things! Now that's my kind of guy! Hey, Chuck Norris even endorsed him! If Chuck is behind the guy, then you know he's a powerful force to be reckoned with! Chuck doesn't get behind nobody! Chuck is the one that clears the path!

MITT ROMNEY is such an interesting person! I can't stand the thought of only one pair of underpants though! Doesn't he realize there are other religions that don't place a stipulation on underpants? Maybe he should check out my religion! We are allowed to choose between boxers and briefs! Or maybe I should check my manual to make sure! Nevertheless, I think Mr. Romney has given up on the Presidency.

RON PAUL ! What can I say about these guys? They are truly on a mission to save the country. If I were Paul, I would request that my name were first so that it would move up in the alphabet! Paul Ron doesn't sound right though. On second thought, maybe they should leave it the way it is!


A Romantic Porch said...


Ronda said...

Your good friend "Danny" says..."Thanks for clearing it all for him!"Other than that he is left "speechless"! (smile)Have a great evening...

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Yes, thanks so much for your helpful insights. I hadn't decided exactly who to vote for come November, and now... um, nope, still don't have a clue.