Friday, March 7, 2008

"Big Snow Storm?"

Once again we got news that we are getting a big snow storm. When I first heard about it they said we could get up to a foot of snow. It was supposed to start about 1:00 p.m. today and go into tomorrow, but it's now evening and we are still waiting. Once again we altered our schedule to accommodate the "big storm" so that we wouldn't get caught in it. I'm not a meteorologist, but isn't there something they can do to predict snow a little better? One local meteorologist said that he's been in the business for 20+ years and this has been the worst year for predicting snow. Maybe next year they can all just go to Florida for the winter and let us take whatever we get. Actually I think it's all a stores sell more products when people think a storm is coming. Hardware stores sell more shovels, salt, etc. Milk and gas now cost more than $3.00 a gallon. Other things cost more as well. Our state is talking about raising sales tax on items and lowering property taxes. Since you can't accurately predict what people will buy, I think the government is testing the system to see if they can alarm people into buying more products. That way when they need more money they can just tell us a major storm is coming and get the money they need.

Oh no! It looks like it's snowing! I better go to the grocery store! We're running low on milk and our van needs gas!


Anonymous said...

Down here in the South, it is bread and milk that you purchase when a storm is coming. I can't figure out just why it is these two items. :~)

My Big Brown Opinion said...

I agree. They do seem to try and scare us, and it usually works!