Friday, May 27, 2011
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Blog Entry
I haven't seen my blog in a while. It's a really boring blog! I noticed that I have a couple of comments from back in June from Ronda and my mom but I don't know how to publish them. I guess I should check a little more often. I thought since I was getting sooo many comments, then I would choose the neat little option button that lets you read the comments before putting them on the blog. Unfortunately I must not have read all the instructions. Maybe I'll try to post something soon.
Friday, June 13, 2008
I used to play golf about every week before I got into selling real estate. I miss those days. I never was very good at it but it was fun to wack the ball and see how far it would go before it went into the weeds. I think I hold the distinction of being the only one to hit the club house from tee #1 at Arrow Head Golf Course in Greenfield. If you know this course then you know it's about a 120 degree angle from where it should have gone. Nevertheless my boss used to continue paying my way to play golf with him, probably because it made him feel good to beat me by 40 points. Every now and then I parred a hole or two and if I was really lucky I got a birdie. Most of the time I spent my days looking in the weeds for back-up balls, or yelling FORE at people in the next fairway over. Everyone pretty much took cover every time I got up to swing the club. Yes, those were the days! Here are a few pictures I ran across recently while looking through my archives. I was actually playing with the Holdens on this round. I think charles was taking the pictures so unfortunately he's not in the action pictures.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Vinyl Records
Does anyone still have any vinyl records? I sold a piece of property to a guy who goes around buying vinyl records. The other day he went to an auction and bought 10,000-15,000 albums. His plan is to re-create a record store like the ones they used to have back in the "old days". This got me to thinking...I think my parents have some old records. They have the original of the Smarts, the Stetlers, Victory Trio, Gessners, McGinnises, and others. I wonder which one would bring the most money to a collector. If you have any of these, you might have a gold mine! At least that's the term the guy used to tell me about the auction he went to. He also mentioned something about collecting Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash vinyls. Let me know what you have and I'll see what he'll pay!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Campaign Stop
In case you didn't guess what the picture was in my last post, it was an empty toilet paper roll. Which leads me to my next point. I was able to shake the hand of former President Bill Clinton today! He was at the Greenfield Middle School campaigning for his wife. He has so many sad stories to tell about the people of our country. I sadly showed him my toilet paper roll and asked him what Hillary will do to protect me from this ever happening again. He said he understood my circumstances and would ask Hillary to push for larger rolls. Since I shook his hand I thought it would be better not to tell him I ran out of soap too.
I took these pictures with my camera phone. It's the best I could do.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Nature Calls
I know everyone likes to see pictures but every time I take one, Martha posts it on her blog! The baskets, the flowers, the bird eggs, the rabbits! They're all mine. I just love nature. Sometimes nature calls so I took a picture of this:
Martha wouldn't post it for some reason. Just like her little game, can you guess what it is?

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